The soul
of our land
The deepest roots never freeze

Serracavallo was an ancient place where the horses of Sanseverino princes were bred and after which it is named. The White Chinèa, a local horse breed, was raised there. The company extends for 50 hectares where originally there was a country house, some farmhouses and factories that have been restructured over the years.
Our barrel cellar
In the building there is an underground barrique cellar where some wines rest in French oak barriques and tonneaux. There is also a buttery dedicated to refinement in glass and aging of the traditional method.

Wine Game_en
Indovina gli abbinamenti!
Metti alla prova le tue capacità nell'abbinare i nostri vini con alcuni piatti.

Un gioco per fare nuove esperienze a tavola e scoprire il modo migliore per accompagnare i tuoi piatti preferiti.
Buon divertimento!PLAY
The new cellar, built in 2008, includes the most modern technologies and the most advanced equipment in order to respect and enhance the product coming from the field.